Chairing Royal Society seminar on open science practices
It was a real pleasure to chair a seminar yesterday in the Royal Society’s Ecology and Evolution seminar series, which was presented by Dylan Gomes. Dylan’s talk outlined his recent paper in Proceedings B, titled ‘Why don't we share data and code? Perceived barriers and benefits to public archiving practices’. As an added bonus, I was part of the team that produced this paper. Check out the freely available recording of Dylan’s talk here! You can also check out the original paper via the links below.
Gomes, D.G.E., Pottier, P., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Hudgins, E., Foroughirad, V., Sánchez-Reyes, L.L., Turba, R., Martinez, P.A., Moreau, D., Bertram, M.G., Smout, C.A., Gaynor, K.M. 2022. Why don’t we share data and code? Perceived barriers and benefits to public archiving practices. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 289, 20221113. | PDF