Conflicts of interest paper out in Environmental Science & Technology

I’m happy to see our new publication out in Environmental Science & Technology, calling out the urgent need to address conflicts of interest within ongoing international environmental negotiations. I look forward to remaining engaged to develop new international instruments based on transparent and independent science that put public health ahead of private interests. Read the paper here!

Schäffer, A., Groh, K.J., Sigmund, G., Azoulay, D., Backhaus, T., Bertram, M.G., Carney Almroth, B., Cousins, I.T., Ford, A.T., Grimalt, J.O., Guida, Y., Hansson, M.C., Jeong, Y., Lohmann, R., Michaels, D., Müller, L., Muncke, J., Öberg, G., Orellana, M.A., Sanganyado, E., Schäfer, R.B., Sheriff, I., Sullivan, R.C., Suzuki, N., Vandenberg, L.N., Venier, M., Vlahos, P., Wagner, M., Wang, F., Wang, M., Wang, Z., Soehl, A., Ågerstrand, M., Diamond, M.L., Scheringer, M. 2023. Conflicts of interest in the assessment of chemicals, waste and pollution. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57, 19066−19077. | PDF

Nicole Cobb

I am an experienced, forward-thinking web designer/developer and creative graphic designer dedicated to providing unique & high quality identity creations for individuals, large organizations and small businesses.

Seminar at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)


Funding from FORMAS