Oscar and Lili Lamm Memorial Foundation Grant

Super excited to have received a two-year research grant from the Oscar and Lili Lamm Memorial Foundation. Congrats to lead investigator Marcus Michelangeli and co-investigator Tomas Brodin! This grant was awarded to conduct a series of experiments investigating the potential of two of Sweden’s most widespread pharmaceutical pollutants to alter the schooling behaviour and migration success of Atlantic salmon. Using automated behaviour-tracking software in the laboratory and acoustic telemetry approaches in the field, this project aims to bridge the gap between laboratory- and field-based behavioural ecotoxicology by linking research findings across these contexts.

Nicole Cobb

I am an experienced, forward-thinking web designer/developer and creative graphic designer dedicated to providing unique & high quality identity creations for individuals, large organizations and small businesses.


Lars Hierta Memorial Foundation Grant


Funding support from the Kempe Foundations